Terms & Conditions
Rose the Doula respects a client’s right to privacy and confidentiality. Information shared between client and doula must not be shared elsewhere. Doulas are not bound by HIPAA but must honor the client’s right to privacy. This includes all details and information about pregnancy, birth, postpartum, life, and health. Rose the Doula does not provide identifying information about clients and/or discuss client health history, family life, birth plans, and/or birth experiences. Rose the Doula does not announce pregnancies, genders, births, or other private information by any means of communication, including social media, without the client's written permission.
Within 72 hours, your custom contract will be sent to you. Upon signing you are given two options for payment:
Payment is due in full or 25%- 50% of your deposit due with payment plan options to be completed by week 37 in the client’s pregnancy.
All payments must be completed before birth for Rose the Doula to attend any birth. The client acknowledges that the deposit is non-refundable in all circumstances including but not limited to: if the client decides s/he does not want or is no longer able or wants Rose the Doula as their Doula. Should the client not disclose health information that puts Rose the Doula health at risk the contract will become null and void immediately. Should the client create an unsafe environment that puts Rose the Doula at risk of any form of violence, assault, or hazardous birthing conditions including but not limited to verbal or physical by the client, partner, friend or family member or an unsafe birthing space the contract will become null and void immediately. No further services will be rendered.
The deposit shall be made in US Dollars and paid to Aja Rose or Rose the Doula via cash, check, credit card, or PayPal. This deposit amount will be deducted from the total invoice leaving the client with a remaining balance.